Our last days in D.C.

June 30, 2014

I always wanted to write a blog post titled "Liberated". You know, the feeling that you get after your stuff has been packed into four hundred boxes, stowed into a container; after your house has been returned to your landlord, and after your cars have been sold. Actually, there was too much to do all these days, so I didn't really feel liberated. At least I had the opportunity to wander around D.C. and photograph for a few hours today.

Washington, D.C. is actually a decent location for taking street pictures. The architecture is not fancy, but a lot is going on everywhere and nobody really takes notice of a lonely guy taking pictures. With 40 million tourists a year people have gotten used to folks snapping pictures everywhere. 

Find attached a few impressions from a walk that I did today. I started near the German embassy at M street, went to the White House and towards the National Mall. Nothing too fancy, but some small impressions of D.C. life. You'll see the usual suspects near the White House, the Segway drivers on Penn Ave, and the construction workers having their lunch break near the National Mall. You also see homeless people hanging around and sleeping in public places even during the day, which is one thing I wasn't really aware of.

Oh, and before I forget it. Following is one image that gives you a sneak preview of what I've been working on for almost a year now. One of those things that definitely prevented me from feeling liberated... ;-). What you see is proof #1 of the Torpedo Factory's 40th anniversary commemorative book, layed out this morning in the Corner Bakery at 18th Street NW for proofreading, sent into my hotel on Friday by our designer Val.

Take as close a look as you can, it's the first image I posted and maybe the only one I'll ever post. Don't ask me anything, I'll stay quiet, but be prepared to get a really nice book soon... :-) 

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